O thou great goddess Ma’at, beloved Daughter of the Sun
Thou of the Beautiful Face who sees the heart, and measures what is right and true
Thou Changeless Lady of Heaven who preserves order and banishes chaos
Thou Queen of Earth who keeps all in balance and equilibrium
By the desire of my heart and the words of my mouth, I call upon you
When Ra spoke the first word, you had already been created
Thou Great Gift of god, given to those whom he wishes
Thou pervadest the whole of creation, immanent in all things
Binding them together in an indestructible and harmonious unity
Thou true witness who hears prayers,
Heed my call and be present here with me
Thou who governs the works of piety and religion,
See that my intentions are pure and that my spirit is humble before thee
Thou Guardian of the Threshold and Preparer of the Way for the Enterer,
Thou Reconciler between Light and Darkness,
May I walk in thy truth and in thy ways of righteousness all the days of my life
Make my heart as light as the Shu feather on thy Scales
O thou Lady of the Hall of Judgement,
Weigh my heart aright and allow me to enter into the Kingdom of Osiris
On the day of Judgement may I be maa-kheru, true of voice, righteous, and justified
Open the gates of Heka
And preserve me as I stand before the eternal gods.
Vibrate: ⲘⲈ! ⲘⲈ! ⲘⲈ!

(Credit: Mary Harrsch)
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