Preparations: Altar in center of Temple, with representation of Heka (statue and/or hieroglyph), cup of lustral water, censer of incense (myrrh is always a suitable base).
Open with LBRP. Optionally, purify and consecrate the hall.
All present recite the following:
Hear me, O Heka, bright shining god of magic and creation
You who spoke the Great Word, and all that is came into being
Without you, the universe is not
You who weave magic like the fibers of the flax braid
You whose power makes the other gods tremble
Ruler of the House of Ma’at and Lord of the Natural Law
We call upon you
By Names and Images are all Powers Awakened and Reawakened
By your Name, O Heka, and by this image present on the Altar, we call you
Awaken within us
Flow through us
Commune with us
For you are the Initiator of Kas and the Lord of the Magical Current
Wer-Hekau, mighty of magic, hear us
Bright shining one, hear us
Eldest Magician, created of Atum, son of Khnum, hear us
You who wield the twin powers of Hu and Sia, of Word and Will
Be our shepherd, guiding our ka so that we may be made full of your sacred Light
Conquerer of the Face of Terror, help us to be steadfast and face our fears
Blinder of Crocodiles, Lord of the Dual Serpents, preserve us and sustain us
You who safeguards the Solar Barque against Apophis and the forces of chaos
Shine forth your spells upon us as rays of sunlight with the opening of your mouth.
O Heka, we praise you and we adore you
Dwell within us, and heed our call
Vibrate: HEKA! HEKA! HEKA!
Recite Coffin Spell 261 as follows:
[Note: In reciting the below, you may use the Egyptian original or the English translation. If using the Egyptian, it is encouraged to recite each verse followed by its English translation.]
I shepsu m-baḥ neb-tem
O noble ones who are before the All,
m-ten wi i’i-ku kher-tjen
behold, I have come before you.
senedj n-i khefet rekhet-n-tjen
Respect me in accordance with what you know.
inek ir-n neb-wa’
I am he whom the Unique Lord made
ni kheperet ishet seneti m ta pen
before duality had come into being in this land
m hab-f wat iret-f
by his sending forth his unique eye
m wen-f wa’i
when he existed alone,
m peret m r-f
by the going forth from his mouth
m wenen ḥeḥ-f n ka m sa wenedjut-f
when his myriads of spirits were the protection of his companions
m medu-f ḥena kheperi ḥen’af
when he spoke with Khepri, with him,
weser-f r-f
that he might be more powerful than he;
m itshet-f ḥu tep r-f
when he put Hu upon his mouth.
inek wenenet za pu n meset tem
I am indeed the son of the All who was born before his mother yet existed.
yu-i m sa wedjet neb-wa
I am the protection of that which the Unique Lord has ordained.
inek se-‘ankh pesedjet
I am he who caused the Ennead to live.
inek merer-f irer-f it netjeru
I am ‘if-he-wishes-he-does’, the father of the gods.
qa yat
The standard is high
semenekh netjer khefet wedjet mes tem
The god is endowed in accordance with the command of Her who bore Atum
netjer shepesi
the splendid god
wenem medu m r-f
who speaks and eats with his mouth.
I have kept silence,
I have bowed down,
i’i-n-i tjeb ka’u nu pet
I have seated myself,
ḥemes-n-i ka’u nut
O bulls of heaven,
m sa’ḥu-i pu wer n neb ka’u
in this my great dignity as Lord of kas
yua’u n re’-tem
heir of Re-Atum
i’i-n-i itjet-i neset-i
I have come so that I may take possession of my throne
seshep-i sa’ḥ-i
So that I may assume my dignity.
nenek tem
For to me belonged the universe
ni kheperet-tjen netjeru
before you gods had yet come into being
ha n-tjen yu ḥer peḥwi
Descend, you who have come afterwards.
inek ḥeka
I am Heka.
Meditate silently upon the god, and allow any communication to take place. Once all are finished, recite the following:
We thank you and we adore you, O Heka, for gracing us with your indwelling presence. May there always be peace and harmony between you and us, and may you lead us ever to walk in the ways of Ma’at. AMEN.
Close with LBRP.
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